Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Dental Tips For A Fantastic Mouth In 2012

Dr. Jay Jorgensen D.D.S.
The start of the new year is a great point to drop the bad habits and improve your lifestyle, so our dentists got together to give you tips on how to keep your mouth healthy in 2012!

Minimize soda pop drinking
No surprise there, right? High consumption of soda or other acidic beverages can lead to enamel loss, which you can’t replace.

Use an electric toothbrush
Remember when electric toothbrushes were expensive? Not anymore. There are several options of electric toothbrushes that are affordable and work great. Using an electric toothbrush causes less damage to your gums, requires you to use less force when brushing, and some even come with a timer so you meet the recommended brushing time.

Avoid chewing ice
Some people make a habit of chewing on ice, but biting on hard substances, such as ice cubes, may cause fractures to the teeth or damage fillings.

Mouth guards for active people
If you’re into active sports such as hockey, then cover those pearly whites. Mouth guards not only protect your teeth, but also other important parts of the mouth: cheeks, gums, and lips.

Protect yourself at night with a Bruxism guard
These are recommended for patients who grind or clench their teeth at night due to stress.

Refrain from using your teeth as tools
Who’s guilty of using their teeth to open a water bottle? No worries, in some way we’re all guilty of thinking our teeth are invincible; however, don’t forget your teeth are important and get a lot action as it is, so avoid using them as a tool. Grab someone with a stronger hand or an actual tool.

We hope these tips were helpful and will be useful in making sure your mouth is healthy in 2012! If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at 760-323-2771.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Keeping Your Teeth Jolly In The Holiday Season

Dr. Jay Jorgensen D.D.S.
Cakes, pies, stuffing, the holidays are a time full of carbohydrate-rich, sugary foods. This can really do a number on your oral health, but there are some simple ways you can help combat cavities while still enjoying Grandma’s pumpkin pie.

If you can, eat those carb-heavy foods such as stuffing and rolls with a balanced meal consisting of some protein. This helps to counteract some of the acids produced when sugars and bacteria in the mouth come together.

Limit your consumption of sticky foods. These foods take longer to chew, meaning they stay in the mouth longer and increase cavity risk.

Carry a travel toothbrush with you to your holiday meal destination, even if you’re just going for the day. Can’t brush your teeth immediately after eating for some reason? Rinse your mouth out with water to remove as much debris and acid as possible.

And try not to graze so much. It’s easy to spend the entire day walking around a party eating snacks, but every time you pop something into your mouth, it creates acids. Spend some time NOT eating on Christmas day to cut down on the buildup of cavity-causing agents.

By following these simple holiday dental care tips, you can keep your teeth and gums healthy while still enjoying your Holiday goodies. Happy holidays!


Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Soda: Worst, Best & Alternatives For Your Oral Health

Dr. Jay Jorgensen D.D.S.
Someone recently asked us which soda is worst for your teeth, and we realized that’s probably a common question. Everyone knows soda is “bad for your teeth,” but surely some are better than others. Here we’ll explore what it actually does to your teeth and if there are any alternatives.

Some people think that if they drink a diet soda, the lack of sugar eliminates the risk of cavities. Actually, sugar-free soda is not much better, because it still contains acid – in fact, diet soda often contains more acid than regular soft drinks. Phosphoric acid is primarily used in cola, while citric acid is typically found in citrus-flavored drinks. Phosphoric acid is stronger in most cases. the long-run.

Acid levels are ranked on the pH scale where the lower the number, the more acidic the substance is.Battery acid ranks 1.0 on the scale. Studies show that RC Cola ranked 2.39, and most sodas rank near or below a 3. Milk sits around 6.5 on the scale. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, adult fish die in levels 3-5. Acid rain is anywhere from 1-5. Pure water is pH 7, which is neutral.

It’s generally considered that darker-colored soda is slightly worse than light-colored or clear soda. However, both contain astronomically high levels of acid. All soda is destructive to your teeth.

Sugar feeds the bacteria in your mouth, which produces an acidic substance. Acid wears away your enamel, which exposes the softer layers of your teeth to dental decay. Whether you drink regular or diet drinks, they both contain high levels of acid, which essentially just skips a step and puts acid in direct contact with your teeth.

Do: Drink soda through a straw if you want to lower your risk of dental cavities.
Don’t: Brush your teeth right after drinking an acidic beverage, because you’re basically scrubbing the acid into your enamel. Wait a little while, or rise your mouth with water first.

While still containing high acid levels, root beer has been found to be less acidic than other soda, because it typically doesn’t contain phosphoric or citric acid. Some other drinks still contain acid, but they are typically a little better for your teeth because they are all-natural and/or made primarily with real fruit juice. This means that they probably have lower acid levels but also, they don’t contain high-fructose corn syrup or other tooth-destroyers. This includes drinks like:

IZZE Sparkling Juice
Hansen’s Natural Soda
Boylan’s “The Natural Kind”

Studies found that even fruit juice, which can be quite acidic, is still much less damaging than soda. No matter what you drink, the key is to consume it in moderation balanced by plenty of water. If you continue to brush your teeth, floss and swish with mouthwash every day, you will have a much better chance of fighting cavities and keeping your mouth sparkling clean.
